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These weekly alerts will contain summaries of legislative activities in committee and on the Calendars that would be of interest to the disability community. The complete schedules will not be found here, but a link has been provided for the complete Legislative Committee Schedule, the Legislative Calendar and Journal Page, and the Legislative web-site.

You will find highlights of the week’s Legislative activities for specific committees, hearings and calendar activity of interest in this weekly report, as well as a listing and brief explanations of legislation introduced at the end of the committee schedules.

This Committee Schedule is generally published on Monday or Tuesday mornings of each week, but is subject to change throughout the week. Please check the calendar online, on the Vermont Legislative web page for updates.

Link to Vermont Legislative Committee Page:
Link to Vermont Calendars, Journals and Bills:
Link the Vermont’s Legislative Page:


Click on Weekly Legislative Calendar to get this

week’s highlights of legislative activities